Mr Rob Edwards


Rob Edwards, has a Bachelor of Science with majors in Anatomy & Physiology.

He has been a company director for 20 years in the health and well-being industry where he designed and delivered staff development programs for hundreds organizations.

Prior to that he worked for five years in a cardiac rehabilitation program where he wrote the internationally distributed book “Better Blood Pressure”.

He has diverse experience working with people at all levels of business, cardiac patients, young offenders, elite athletes and remote island communities.

Rob also manages the Its Time Foundation that he established in 2007 – that replaces diesel power with solar in remote island schools.

Rob’s focus is simply to encourage people to take a brief time out in their busy lives to consider their most important asset – themselves.  And to get you thinking about sustainable actions that you can do so you have a long and high quality life.

We can’t look after other people unless we look after ourselves first.  That’s why the session is called “It’s All About You